
Allan Rogers Venditi Beas

Anaiza Hurtado

Andre Sugawara

Physiatrist and serves at the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Institute and the Trauma and Orthopedics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo General Hospital, and the Sao Paulo State Civil Servant Hospital, at in- and outpatient services. He is the Secretary of the Sao Paulo Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Association and former Secretary General of the Brazilian Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Association. He is a trainer of WHO Wheelchair Service Training Package.

Antenor Bispo dos Santos Silva

Holds a bachelor degree in Nursing from the University Anhembi Morumbi, with experience in the field of Physic Rehabilitation; currently working at the Institute of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine of the General Hospital of the Medical School of the University of Sao Paulo – IMREA / HCFMUSP. He works in the direct assistance of Nursing to patients with mild and severe impairments, developing their physical and motor potential, being specialist in Rehabilitation Nursing and Hospital Management. Currently he is the responsible nurse for the Continue Nursing of IMREA HC FMUSP providing resources for the development and improvement of employees, specialization students and nursing trainees in the field of rehabilitation. He directly supervises the nursing assistance in rehabilitation and implementation of new models of care.

Antônio Carlos de Camargo Andrade Filho

Titulado em Medicina Física e Reabilitação, possui especialização em Dor pela Pain Relief Foundation, da Universidade de Liverpool, bem como especialização em Dor em Câncer e Cuidados Paliativos pela Universidade de Oxford. É membro fundador da Sociedade Brasileira para o Estudo da Dor.

César Abreu Akiho

César is a Physiatrist by the Brazilian Physical and Rehabilitation Association is coordinator of the Program in Medical Residency in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of HCFMUSP. Currently works as Assistant Doctor at IMREA-HCFMUSP / Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Network and as a Doctor at the Rehabilitation Center at Hospital Sírio-Libanês

Cristiane Vieira

Daniel Rúbio de Souza

Holds a bachelor degree in Medicine by the School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo (FMUSP), specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation by the Brazilian Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association. Currently is the Medical Director of Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Network and is a Physiatrist at the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the General Hospital of the School Medicine (USP).

Denise Vianna Machado Ayres

Gemal Emanuel Pirré

Ivana Mara Rodrigues da Silva

Katia Lina Miyahara

Liliana L. Jorge

Hold a master degree in the Locomotor Program by the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto (USP), undertaking a doctorate in Radiology at the Medical School of USP. Monitor of the Acupuncture Centre of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the General Hospital (FMUSP), as well as Physiatrist and acupuncturist at the Lucy Montoro Rehabilitation Institute and the Albert Einstein Hospital.

Linamara Battistella

Dr. Battistella is a Full Professor in Physiatry at the University of Sao Paulo and coordinates the research lines about functional assessment. She is the principal investigator of USP Research Center on Acquired Brain Injuries. She has more than 195 articles published in journals and has participated as an editor, writer and/or organizer of 14 books. She was President of the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (2004-2006). She co-chairs the Guidelines Development Group of WHO Health-Related Rehabilitation Guidelines since 2012. Since 2008, she is the Sao Paulo State Secretary for the Rights of the Person with Disability.

Mariane Tateishi

Pablo Carvalho Pires de Almeida

Rafael Martins Vallim

Rebeca Cecatto Boltes

Rebeca holds a bachelor degree in Medicine by the University of São Paulo (1996), and is an expert in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine by the Medical School of the University of Sao Paulo (2001) and Université René Descartes (2005) in Paris, France. She holds an expert degree in Acupuncture and Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine and a PhD by FM USP Neurology Department. Currently, she is a physician at the Sao Paulo Cancer Institute. She is experienced in neurological and oncologic rehabilitation, and chronic pain, rheumatology, bone metabolism, orthopedics and musculoskeletal rehabilitation.

Renato Martins

Rosana Freitas Lopes

Sandra Regina Schewinsky

Specialist in Hospital Psychology holds a master degree in Developmental Psychology by the São Marcos University and a doctor degree in Social Psychology by the Pontifical University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). She is charge for the area at the Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the General Hospital of the School of Medicine (IMREA HC FMUSP). She is also a neuropsychologist at the Hospital Sírio Libanês.

Sonia Akopian

Sonia da Silva Andrade